

Ashley University Division of Health Sciences’ is one of the highly regarded online schools in the world.  The division currently offers specialization courses in Nutritional and Health Sciences designed to give you the professional skills and thorough knowledge of human health.

The courses are taught by the leading experts with an international research reputation in their field. Our graduates are sought after by employers because of their authoritative knowledge and practical skills that they acquire during their studies. The depth of the knowledge gained at Ashley University also delivers a thorough grounding upon which you can build further knowledge. Besides, our diversity allows students to build knowledge enabling you to expand your cultural awareness and in turn help you to boost your study.

The health care system is important for each country, not only because it relates to the health of the people but because the business economy depends on health people.

The demand for health care graduates keeps on rising with every passing day as population grows creating a shortage of supply for good graduates. Enroll in Ashley University's Division of Health Sciences to get hold of practical experience and skills and be prepared for the rising demand in your profession.


The health care segment keeps on increasing due to greater life expectancy and an ageing population requiring more health care personnel. The department of Labor in the United States has estimated that jobs which include public and private hospitals, nursing and residential care facilities, and individual and family services, will offer Americans with 5 million jobs by the end of the year 2020. So prepare yourself for a better future ahead by earning your online degree from Ashley University.
  • Career


Degree Programs

  • Associate Degree
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Masters Degree
  • Doctorate Degree

Diploma Programs

  • Undergraduate Diploma
  • Graduate Diploma

Certificate Programs

  • Undergraduate Course Certificate
  • Graduate Course Certificate
  • Undergraduate Certificate
  • Graduate Certificate

Major Offered

  • Nutritional and Health Sciences

Career Prospects

Health Sciences touches on many aspects of society, so graduates can pursue a career in lots of different areas. With excellent analytical skills, a comprehensive overview of the healthcare system and specialized knowledge and skills, students will be a valuable asset to many employers in the healthcare sector. Below is the average salary you will be able to earn in the field of nutritional and health sciences:

Majors Average Annual Salaries
Nutritional and Health Sciences$53,250 - $58,450

Delivering Quality Education:

At Ashley, we believe that quality doesn't have to come at the expense of quantity. With over 700 programs of study to choose from, you have the freedom to create your ideal program by combining majors, minors, and specializations.


Featured Faculty Members

  • Antoinette Zacharias PhD Epidemiology

  • Mary Barron Doctorate Chiropractic

  • Stephen Currier PhD Health Services

  • Eric Lombardi Doctor of Chiropractic Degree

  • Larry Lohman Ph.D Pharmaceutical Sciences